Chiropractic during Pregnancy

Both of our doctors are Webster Certified!

Natural Pregnancy Care

A healthy, natural pregnancy isn’t exactly defined by a lack of “problems” or “conditions.” A healthy pregnancy also isn’t luck. Pregnancy and giving birth are natural life experiences that a woman’s body is designed for.

Chiropractic care in pregnancy is vital to the normal physiological function of both the mother and baby throughout pregnancy and birth. A specific analysis called The Webster Technique is used to reduce the effects of sacral subluxations/SI joint dysfunction. In performing this technique, the neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is facilitated.  Sacral subluxation may contribute to difficult labor for the mother caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction, and baby mal-presentation.

Chiropractic care during pregnancy has been proven to help with symptoms of heartburn, sciatic pain, SPD (symphysis pubic pain), as well as allowing the body to balance in its natural state, and deal with stress properly. Chiropractic care during pregnancy has been proven to be a safe, nurturing addition to your natural pregnancy.  

A woman’s body is innately prepared with the strength, stamina, and ability to nourish a safe and natural pregnancy and childbirth. Supporting the body’s own instinctive knowledge, unnecessary medical intervention can often be avoided.

Both Dr. Katie DeVries & Dr. Kali Hutchings, at TrueNorth Chiropractic, are trained and certified in the Webster Technique, which is an ICPA Certification that has become a well-recognized and trusted name with both pregnant mothers and birth providers. At TrueNorth we understand that the care we provide to pregnant mamas affects the very well-being of the entire family! Here is a link to learn more about what the Webster Certification means.

We have written many articles about the efficacy of chiropractic care during pregnancy. If you want to read more, you can do so by clicking here.