The Healthiest Cookie

Alright, I wish I could take credit for this delicious creation but alas, I am not that talented πŸ˜‚The credit goes to Lilly from Instrupix and we thank her with all of our tummies!

Healthy Snack Kids will love

Apple Cookie Slices

These are the healthiest cookie on the planet - at least we think so, we haven’t really done any research to verify this lol! To make these, all you need to do is slice up your favorite type of apple (we ❀️Honeycrisp apples) and then spread a bit of peanut butter on them (or your favorite nut butter) and sprinkle with the toppings of your choice. We promise that your kids will love them and you will too!

We recommend raisins, nuts, and even banana slices as toppings! If you want to make it a little sweeter, we love to use a few organic chocolate chips (Target stocks them too) on top!

Okay, so these are really β€œcookies” but that’s okay, just call them cookies and your kids will love them, and you’ll love that they’re eating healthy!


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