Immune System Tips

The coronavirus has quickly become a household name as we see daily news reports describing every detail.

As the coronavirus approaches, people are asking how they can support their normal, natural immunity. We are giving you our top 5 tips in order to keep your immune system functioning at top capacity during the coronavirus.

1. Chiropractic

One of the best ways to stay healthy thisyear, especially as the coronavirus continues to spread, is to make sure thatyour nervous system is functioning at the highest level possible. Chiropracticgoals are to remove any interference on the nervous system that causes dysfunctionto the muscles, organs and all systems of the body. Our immune system, likeevery other system in the body, is coordinated and controlled by the nervoussystem. A functioning immune system protects us from infectious diseases byproviding adaptive measures to overcome the ill effects of bacteria andviruses.

One study performed by Dr. Ronald Pero, Ph.D.,chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medicine Institutemeasured the immune systems of people under chiropractic care as compared tothose in the general population and those with cancer and other seriousdiseases. His initial three-year study was comprised of 107 individuals who hadbeen under chiropractic care for five years or more. The chiropractic patientswere found to have a 200% greater immune competence than those people who hadnot received chiropractic care, and they had 400% greater immune competencethan those people with cancer and other serious diseases. The immune system’ssuperiority of those under chiropractic care did not appear to diminish withage. (1)

Another study published in the Journal ofchiropractic research compared the health of two hundred CHILDREN UNDER CHIROPRACTIC CARE andthe health of two hundred children under medical care. It was found that thechildren under chiropractic care had fewer ear infections, fewer allergies,fewer cases of tonsillitis and needed less medical treatment. 

Overall, showing that chiropractic aids in boosting the immune system and preventing diseases from settling in the body.

2. Vitamin D3

Vitamin D, coming in two forms 2 or 3, is a nutrient that can either be digested through food or synthesized from exposureto sunlight. Vitamin D2 comes from plant sources while Vitamin D3 comes fromanimal sources as well as through sun exposure. Vitamin D3 is seen to be morereadily metabolized in the body and will increase overall absorption. Thisnutrient has so many benefits within the body including bone health, regulatingblood sugar, hormone support and more importantly aiding the immune system.Vitamin D can modulate the immune response due to the fact vitamin connects tothe immune cells themselves (B cells, T cells, and antigen-presenting cells).Basically stating that it overall can boost your immune system. Not shockinglywe see a deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity aswell as increased susceptibility to infection. Vitamin D deficiency is verycommonly seen with it being reported in 2018 that 42 percent of Americans lackin the nutrient(2).  

Vitamin D levels between 60 and 80 mg/ml are optimal functional levels within the body(3). When looking at how much Vitamin D should be taking in on a daily basis it varies from person to person. On average an individual is recommended 5,000 IU daily. For individuals that are deficient in the nutrient, immune-compromised or postpartum 10,000 UI is recommended. Please consult a health care provider before increasing dosage. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning that it does not dissolve in water and is absorbed best in your bloodstream when paired with high-fat foods. For this reason, it’s recommended to take vitamin D supplements with a meal to enhance absorption. When buying Vitamin D supplements it is important to look for solutions that are specifically D3 and it’s best to include the other fat-soluble vitamins: A, E, and K2. These vitamins are important in their own right and help balance out the vitamin D, making it more easily absorbed but also preventing levels from getting too high(4).

We sell METAGENIC VITAMIN D drops for both adults and children at our office!

3Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is a water soluble vitamin. Unlike most mammals and other animals, humans do not have the ability to synthesize vitamin C and must obtain it from the diet. Vitamin C appears to exert a multitude of beneficial effects on cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system. Although vitamin C is a potent antioxidant protecting the body against endogenous and exogenous oxidative challenges, it is likely that its action as a cofactor for numerous biosynthetic and gene regulatory enzymes plays a key role in its immune-modulating effects. Vitamin C stimulates neutrophil migration to the site of infection, enhances phagocytosis and oxidant generation, and microbial killing.  It is apparent that vitamin C is necessary for the immune system to mount and sustain an adequate response against pathogens, whilst avoiding excessive damage to the host.

Vitamin C appears to be able to both prevent andtreat respiratory and systemic infections by enhancing various immune cellfunctions. Prophylactic prevention of infection requires dietary vitamin Cintakes that provide at least adequate, if not saturating plasma levels (i.e.,100–200 mg/day), which optimize cell and tissue levels. In contrast, treatmentof established infections requires significantly higher (gram) doses of thevitamin to compensate for the increased metabolic demand (4).

4. Elderberry

Elderberry is one of the most commonly usedmedicinal plants in the world. Elderberries are the dark purple fruit of theelderberry shrub. They are highly sought after for being a rich source ofantioxidants known as anthocyanins. Traditionally, Native Americans used it totreat infections, while the ancient Egyptians used it to improve theircomplexions and heal burns. The antioxidants work by clearing the body of freeradicals that damage cells at the DNA level. It also has antiviralproperties that may prevent or reduce the severity of certain commoninfections. Elderberry also exerts anti-inflammatory effects, reducing swellingand pain by tempering the body’s immune response. 

Elderberry can be used as a preventive measureto enhance the body’s immune system. Many commercial syrup manufacturersrecommend 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of elderberry syrup taken four times daily.Elderberry lozenges (175 mg) can be taken twice daily(5).


When we’re stressed, the immune system’sability to fight off antigens is reduced. Stress and anxiety can trigger yourflight-or-fight nervous system response and release a flood of chemicals andhormones, like adrenaline and corticosteroid, into your system. These hormonessuppress the effectiveness of the immune system leaving you more vulnerable toviral infections and frequent illnesses. This is why we are more susceptible toinfections when we are in this stressed state.

 Combating the daily stress of our livescomes from leading an overall healthy lifestyle. This can help to improve mood,increase memory, prevent diseases and overall boost immune and body function.Components of leading a healthy lifestyle include diet, sleep, and exercise.Lifestyle is the way in which an individual lives long term rather than in ashort period of time. 

Diet is how you eat on a consistent basis.Including lots of fruit and veggies, lean meat and whole grains. Supplying yourbody with the necessary nutrients to perform daily functions. A big componentof diet also includes looking at what you don’t eat. When you consume sugaryour ability to fight off bacteria and viruses is reduced by 40-75 percent. Themajor problem comes from the American population consuming sugary snacks everyfew hours and never letting their bodies’ immune system get to 100percent. 

 Sleep is essential for your body torecover and heal from day to day stressors. Recommended sleep varies dependingon age group, life stressors, and health. School-aged children are recommendedfrom 9 to 11 hours, teenagers from 8 to 10 hours, Adults 7 to 10 hours andseniors from 7 to 8 hours(6). Not getting enough sleep weakens immune function,causes memory issues and allows diseases to set in. 

Lastly movement and exercise can aid andsupport the function of the immune system in different ways. One big way isthat exercise affects our immunity is it slows down the release of stresshormones. Physical activity also helps flush bacteria out of the lungs andairways. This may reduce your chance of getting a cold, flu, or other illness.Exercise can cause change in our antibodies and white blood cells. White bloodcells are the body’s immune system cells that fight disease. These cellscirculate more rapidly, so they could detect illnesses earlier than they mighthave before. 

Taking care of your body is very important inorder to keep stress under control and help enhance the overall immune systemfunction. 








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